Product Management is not Rocket Science

Most people overcomplicate Product Management. They drown in frameworks, obsess over tools, and forget the basics.

Rocket ship blasting off
Rocket ship blasting off

Most people overcomplicate Product Management.

They drown in frameworks, obsess over tools, and forget the basics.

Here's my stupidly simple 3 step approach to product:

🤝 Understand Your User

Dive deep into the user's world. Talk to them, use the product as they do, and sometimes, even become them for a day. Real insights come from real experiences, not just data points.

⬆ Prioritize Ruthlessly

In a world of endless possibilities, the key is to do less. Learn to say 'no' more than 'yes'. It's about impact, not activity. The most powerful feature might be the one you decide not to build.

♻ Iterate Relentlessly

Perfection is a myth. Launch, learn, and iterate. Each version is better than the last.Users don't remember your first version; they remember the best one.

Product management is as much an art as it is a science but one thing I know is it's not rocket science.